Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Art of Betrayal

In my travels, I've noticed a many routines, or constants, that never seem to cease, regardless of the location. I have named these "The Arts." And, if I'm to share my discoveries to wholes universes, who am I to not share more? I hope this knowledge provides more insight beyond the walls of your dimensional imprisonment. - Clint.

Seeing everything is never as enjoyable as some might say, because everything includes the disgusting underbelly which tends to take up more space than desirable. This, however, forces me to write about things I largely dislike. Now, tragedy is inescapable in any sense, but when you have the PREs involved, tragedy becomes much more than death. It becomes full on betrayal. If you are unlucky enough to stumble upon these records, like I, than you know damn well what I'm speaking of.

Now, some of this simply happens as an act of weakness or valor. And, in ways, you must respect the traitors, in some twisted way. In fact, some lose everything they valued, some fought for their humanity in a fight they could never win. I wish someone would've told them that, but sometimes wisdom doesn't get the opportunity to spread. In these cases, it must be argued if this is truly betrayal. I would argue that it is a forced betrayal, one that does create enemies out of allies, yet still keeping sympathy. But the alternative still exists.

The true betrayal, when one gives themselves to darkness for salvation or some perverted sense of power, sickens me, so I write with acknowledged bias. I would still like to remind you that these people that live lives against these beings are very close to me, in a proverbial sense. I live that life as well, even if it is in a manner that differs heavily. But to see them give up and join the enemy, knowing full well what treason they've committed,  is far more than frustrating. It's offending.

NOTE: IU-003 is still being researched. I didn't complete every task I had attempted to on my last visit and was forced to return. The post should be up in a few days.


  1. I understand the sentiment, and I've always viewed it as either them or me. It doesn't necessarily make the act of killing one any more "right", but maybe somehow more justified.

    1. I stopped looking for logical justifications a long time ago. Now I do it out of pure defense, if not for me personally, it's defending some version of mankind out there.
